Thursday, December 07, 2006

SIR ruffs 02

Buyer wife

Some Dogs

Other Agents

Sellers ruff

SIR ruffs 01

Buyers Couple ruff

Buyer Husband Less Ruff

New agent model design

New agent model

Ruff agent model

Monday, October 09, 2006

Four for 7?

get ready for something handy...for you, me and nature, mother nature that is.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


trying to post my drawing, but this thing is screwy and i'm tired. it'll go up asap...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Two fer seven

Here's Monday nights work. 2/7...gotta keep it rollin'


Alrighty, back to it. With a push from your favorite Uncle and mine I am going to try to push out 7 posts in 7 days. Not that its any great feat you might think, but for me it might be, because I've been slack on the updates since earlier this past summer.
I was inspired recently by the artwork done by school kids that is displayed in L.A. metro station at Hollywood and Vine, of hot rods and street rods. So here's a freeballin' sketch that I'll try to bring to a more pretty looking final this week... if not sooner.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Hand it over

Here's just a couple before zzzzz hands . I really like the feel of micron straight on the paper. Sometimes pencil makes me work sloppy. I like having to decide first time where the line will go as I put it down, without the ability to ctrl+z or erase. I'm working on an idea that might incorporate drawing 30 000 hands. Yeah, I'm thinking thats an insane number, but I work in animation so you know I'm patient already.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Slobber Hoggy

.Who knows what was going on when I drew this...other than marker madness and a micron mashin'. Half Man Half kind of reminds me of those Kool Keith rantings about Half Man Half Shark. Dig the insects crawling around on him. I've just started a new job, in a new city, in a new time zone, after 4 months in a different I think its worth pushing my hands out of old ways (especially nowadays, if not always).

Sunday, June 04, 2006

East Africa

Here's a few sketches from an Easter trip to Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti. One is of the view of our lodge's "backyard" where the meanest animals in Africa, Buffalo roam free. Maasai warriors would walk us back and forth from our rooms to the eat spot with long spears for protection. We came to learn that the spears really wouldn't do anything to such tuff animals, but at least it made us feel first.
And then there's some masks and wood sculpture that caught my attention.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Let the sun shine

Here starts a wave of wonder from yer tall danish drawer. I just left South Africa and am now in Los least thats what the signs tell me. I'll get some zees and start a-posting. For now, I'll leave you with Madiba - looking forward to a great tomorrow.